Trump’s Latest Move Forces Fauci to Seek New Strategies for Protection

Hey there! Grab your coffee because I’ve got some juicy gossip about Dr. Anthony Fauci and President Trump that you won’t want to miss.

So, picture this: President Trump is back in the White House, and it seems like Fauci’s little gravy train has hit a big ol’ bump. You remember Fauci, right? The pandemic advisor who raked in millions with his memoir slamming Trump? Well, things aren’t looking so rosy for him anymore. Despite Biden giving him a kind of legal shield with that preemptive pardon, it turns out that when Trump is back in charge, all bets are off.

In a move that had the media gasping for air, Trump yanked Fauci’s U.S. Secret Service protection. Yep, he basically told him to take those book earnings and hire his own bodyguards. When asked why he did it, Trump didn’t mince words: “When you work for government, at some point your security detail comes off. You can’t have them forever.” And honestly? He’s got a point! Why should taxpayers foot the bill for someone who spent years trashing the administration that made him famous?

But wait—Fauci isn’t alone in this boat. John Bolton, former national security advisor and all-around opportunist, also lost his security detail on the same day. When asked if he felt responsible if anything happened to either of them, Trump’s response was as blunt as ever: “No.” He followed up with the kicker: “They all made a lot of money. They can hire their own security too.” With Fauci pocketing around $5 million from his book deal—yeah, good luck arguing against that!

Now let’s rewind a bit and see how we got here. Fauci’s memoir *He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not* painted Trump as an absolute madman during the pandemic but conveniently glossed over his own flip-flopping on masks and lockdowns. I mean come on! He even claimed Trump yelled at him over costing America “one trillion dollars” because of stock market woes after vaccine news broke—news flash Tony: America had way bigger issues than your bruised ego!

Pulling the plug on Secret Service protection seems to fit into Trump’s grand plan to clean house now that Sean Curran is running things over at the Secret Service. Looks like career bureaucrats might be losing those sweet taxpayer-funded perks one by one.

So yeah, if I were Fauci, I’d start stashing away some of that book cash because it doesn’t look like help is coming from D.C. Maybe he could even reach out to Pfizer for a little sponsorship action? Just saying!

Anyway, keep your eyes peeled; this drama is far from over!

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