You might want to sit down for this one. It’s wild.
So, here’s the scoop: California Democrats are at it again—sacrificing common sense on the altar of environmental virtue signaling. For over a decade now, they’ve been dumping billions of gallons of fresh water into the ocean. And why? To save the Delta smelt—a tiny fish that hasn’t been seen in the wild since 2012. Yeah, you heard that right! Billions of gallons for a fish that might as well be a ghost at this point.
According to a 2021 report by Dan Bacher in the [Sacramento News](, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife hasn’t caught a single Delta smelt in its annual surveys for seven straight years. The last time they saw any was back in 2016—eight little fish. Before that? Just five in 2015. And yet, despite these dismal numbers, they continue to flush millions of gallons out to sea claiming it’s all about ecological health. Spoiler alert: it’s not working!
Meanwhile, real communities are feeling the heat (literally). California is perpetually dry and wildfires are tearing through towns like confetti at a party gone wrong. The reason? Water that should be used to fight those very fires or irrigate crops is being wasted on “saving” an extinct fish. Fire hydrants are running dry, farmers can’t catch a break, and neighborhoods are burning—all thanks to failed environmental policies.
But wait—it gets better (or worse?). Recent research shows these massive water releases aren’t even helping our little friend the Delta smelt! Their numbers remain nonexistent, which makes you wonder if anyone is actually paying attention over there in Sacramento. And according to a report from the [Pacific Institute](, nearly 490,000 acre-feet of stormwater runoff—about 437 million gallons per day—is wasted in cities like Los Angeles and Anaheim alone! Now that’s enough water to make a real dent in drought-stricken areas.
But do you think California’s leadership cares? Nah! They’re too busy patting themselves on the back for being “eco-friendly” while their citizens suffer through droughts and wildfires. This isn’t about saving Mother Earth; it’s more like political posturing at its finest.
So here we are—California is literally burning down while politicians sacrifice human lives and livelihoods for a fish that has been MIA for over ten years now. This isn’t environmentalism; it feels more like insanity!
Let me know your thoughts on this whole situation over our next coffee chat!
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