Trump Drops Bombshells and Exposes the Deep State’s Puppet Game
President Trump held nothing back in his interview with The Spectator’s Editor at Large, Ben Domenech. His words hit hard and left no room for sugarcoating.
The conversation ranged from Afghanistan to that infamous bag of cocaine found in the White House. Seriously, we still don’t know whose it was?
But the big headline? Trump revealed that Joe Biden is pointing fingers at Barack Obama for the Democratic disaster at the polls. Biden, once sold as Obama’s best buddy, is now dishing out blame like it’s going out of style.
Trump recounted a moment when Biden, clearly exasperated after the election, admitted that Obama was responsible for the brutal defeat Democrats suffered. And get this—Biden didn’t even blame Kamala Harris. The same woman who has consistently underperformed gets a free pass?
This revelation only confirms what many of us have suspected. Biden was never in charge. He was just a puppet. The real power was held by Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and the D.C. establishment.
When everything fell apart, Biden didn’t hesitate to shift the blame onto his handlers. It’s a classic case of passing responsibility when the plan falls apart.
And Kamala Harris? She’s been molded by Obama’s insiders from day one. With Obama’s former campaign manager David Plouffe, Stephanie Cutter from the 2012 re-election, and Mitch Stewart in the mix, it’s clear she was a calculated choice—a stopgap until the real choices could be made.
But let’s be real. Kamala is even less popular than Biden. No amount of backroom spin can hide the truth. If the Democrats thought Biden was a liability, just wait until they have to answer for Kamala’s incoherent ramblings.
Trump’s blunt account rings true. The Democrats are a mess. Biden, Obama, Pelosi—they all know it, even if they won’t admit it publicly. Their house of cards is crashing down, and there’s no one left to pin it on except themselves.
This isn’t just political theater. It’s a wake-up call. The truth is out there, and it’s high time Americans see the reality behind the lies.
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