Archbishop Vigano Exposes Radical Usurper Endangering the Sanctity of St Peter’s Throne

Vatican Scandals and the Unsettling Truth

The Vatican is in a frenzy. Updates about Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s health are all over the place, and nothing adds up. Some people are even saying, “the Pope is already deceased.” It’s hard not to see the panic behind these mixed messages.

Behind closed doors, it looks like the Bergoglian deep church is scrambling. They’re pushing hard to rally the Cardinals around a successor—someone who can keep up the so-called revolution. Everyone involved has something to hide, from old crimes to fresh scandals. Meanwhile, over in the United States, the US Bishops’ Conference is at odds with the Trump Administration. This clash comes hot on the heels of the USAID funds scandal, which exposed the Catholic Church’s murky ties to a booming immigration racket.

Many believe it’s vital to stop another Bergoglian in power. The worry is this new man could be another usurper on the Throne of Peter—an heir to a legacy built on secrets and lies. Before Bergoglio’s legacy gets buried for good, the truth about his actions and the corrupt hierarchy inside the Church needs to be brought to light.

The list of alleged misdeeds reads like a bad thriller. There’s talk of the Saint Gallen Mafia teaming up with the ultra-progressive Left. Then there’s the unpunished crimes of Theodore McCarrick and his deep ties with Democrat Administrations. McCarrick is said to have maneuvered appointments so that his “heirs”—all allegedly corrupt and scandal-ridden—fill key roles in both the US and the Vatican. Add to this his work as Bergoglio’s link to the Chinese Communist regime and the signing of a Secret Agreement with the Holy See, and things get even murkier.

Don’t even get me started on the Jesuits and their role in pushing a globalist agenda. Bergoglio’s ongoing covers for notorious abusers and perverts, the missing dossier on the Vatican corruption network (delivered by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in April 2013), and his role in the “Covid pandemic” drama all add up to a picture too dark to ignore. And who can overlook the exploitation of illegal immigrants in a calculated bid to break down Western society?

After years of lies and silence, it’s time to face the facts head-on. Bergoglio’s past in Argentina is a mystery filled with allegations of fraud and even dark claims of sexual abuse when he was a Novice Master. Questions linger over the tragic case of Tomas Ricardo Arizaga (known as Tomasito), who died at 11 on 20 July 2014 and was later buried in the Teutonic Cemetery after a strange series of events. Is he really Bergoglio’s son, as many have long suspected? Multiple clues seem to point that way.

More bombshells drop with claims of an international criminal alliance. This alleged network supposedly united subversive forces to push Benedict XVI out of power. Cardinal Godfried Danneels pointed to the Mafia of Saint Gallen, and McCarrick confirmed similar claims during a talk at Villanova University on October 11, 2013. The president and founder of Voices of Progress even discussed the plan with John Podesta (Hillary Clinton campaign chairman) in emails released by Wikileaks (here).

All of this shouts one thing loud and clear: the so-called “Catholic Spring” has exploited Bergoglio, a character many see as corrupt and easily manipulated. The demand is simple—demand transparency and accountability from the United States and Argentina. They must produce documents and evidence that expose Bergoglio’s real legacy. According to critics, every act of governance, every teaching, and every appointment made under his watch should be declared null and void.

It’s time to face the harsh truth with grit and determination. The Catholic Church deserves liberation from the subversives who’ve infiltrated it, and justice must finally catch up with those who’ve committed, or enabled, these crimes. The call is clear: expose, probe, and put these corrupt players on trial before it’s too late.

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